About us

Berman Ibericos

Berman is a family business located in Guijuelo, a national reference for Iberian meat, dedicated to the production of top quality Iberian hams, shoulders, sausages.

It was founded in 1985 by Bernardino Pérez Valle, who began working in banking when he was just 14 years old.

Despite having no previous experience in the world of Iberian meat, Bernardino was strongly influenced by the knowledge of his father, a meat industry employee who worked for 50 years in the sector.

Work, seriousness, sacrifice and effort were the values ​​that Bernardino inherited from his father and that he later transmitted to the second generation of the company, his children, Angela and Manuel, who are currently in charge of it.

Berman arises from the fusion of the names of the founder, Bernardino, and his wife, Manuela, and is the brand that his children have wanted to maintain to always remember those who instilled in them the dream of working to produce a high-quality product that satisfies their needs. customers.

Berman story

Like every story there is a beginning and an end and in BERMAN everything begins with a special protagonist; the Iberian pig.

A good selection of raw materials is essential to obtain a high-quality final product and that is why at Berman we are very careful when selecting the Iberian pig that we slaughter both acorn-fed, field bait and bait.

We raise our own acorn-fed Iberian pigs, fattening them on two farms located in the Salamanca pasture in the Espeja area and we work with trusted ranchers in the area of ​​Extremadura, Huelva and Córdoba.

It is in these pastures where the Iberian magic begins, the place where the pig feeds on acorns and natural grasses until its final fattening. An important factor in addition to the pig’s diet is its age, which must be at least 18 months for subsequent slaughter.

Our keys

The keys to Berman Ibéricos, specialists in the production of Iberian products.
Iberian pig
Iberian pig
Our products are made with Iberian pork raised in the best pastures.
Natural process
Natural process
The curing of our Iberian products is carried out naturally in Guijuelo.
Weather in Guijuelo
Weather in Guijuelo
A privileged climate to cure our Iberian Hams, Shoulders and Sausages.
Curing in the cellar
Curing in the cellar
Curing in the cellar is carried out in the traditional way in our factory in Guijuelo.

Berman Ibericos

Contact us and discover the entire range of Iberian products